\Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Two Sides of Time

When we mention Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Watch, we will think about Arnold Schwarzenegger who is a very famous super star and an excellent politician. Audemars Piguet established connection with him in the film End of Days in 1999. In 2012, in order to commemorate the cooperation between Audemars Piguet and Arnold Schwarzenegger, it recommended a Special Royal Oak Offshore Arnold Commemorate replica watches online Watch that limited at 1,500 pieces.

It was in 2003; Audemars Piguet got inspiration from Arnold’s film –The Terminator to design a Royal Oak Offshore T3 Limited Edition. The film was a very special one for Arnold as it was his last film before starting his political career. In the film, sunglasses, black coat, Harley-Davidson Motor, Blue Gloves and Royal Oak Offshore T3 created a powerful and handsome look for Arnold. It was also a great honor and gift before he worked as the governor of California. Except for the film cooperation, Arnold is also a very crazy fan of Audemars Piguet. He had collected 4 pieces of expensive Audemars Piguet watches and all are special made for him.

Most importantly, the connection between Arnold and Audemars Piguet is not only on business but also the charity activities. The After School All-Stars Foundation which Arnold established in 1992 became well-known by selling Royal Oak Arnold Commemorate Edition. The foundation aims at providing after school activities for the teenagers. It helps the young to dig their potential through tutoring lessons, sporty and art activities. The foundation has helped many teenagers from broken families back to the right track. Up to now, the foundation has collected about 100 millions US dollars by selling the limited Audemars Piguet Commemorate editions. And of cause, the cooperation is also a very benefit advertisement for promoting Audemars Piguet watches. We should believe that Arnold will bring more creative inspiration for Audemars Piguet to recommend excellent timepieces.

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